Roadmap to Relevance and Revenue

Elevate Your Organization to the Center of Your Community's Economic Future

Informed by 45 years of fundraising and $1.8 billion in revenue for chamber and EDO clients, we've identified one factor that stands between token financial support and capacity funding for transformative economic growth: relevance.

Without exception, relevance determines revenue. NCDS' Roadmap to Relevance and Revenue is your trusted, proven path to achieve it.

What is the Roadmap?

NCDS' one-of-a-kind Roadmap elevates your Chamber of Commerce, Economic Development Organization (EDO), or similar organization to the indispensable, acknowledged driver behind your community's prosperity.

Over eight weeks of personal, hands-on guidance from NCDS President Tom DiFiore, the Roadmap's user-friendly and affordable process crystallizes a custom course of action (or Roadmap) designed to position your organization as the "go-to place" for community growth and improvement.

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Affordable, Accelerated, and Custom

Regardless of size or budget, the Roadmap offers organizations access to large-budget expertise and far more value than expensive, time-consuming, and often disappointing strategic planning and capital campaigns.

Affordable Process

Designed for all communities, the Roadmap is a cost-effective solution that eliminates the need for expensive strategic planning consultants.

Accelerated Service

Our streamlined process reflects decades of experience, ensuring you achieve the most direct route to relevance and increased revenue.

Custom Plan

We provide custom, actionable strategies tailored to your unique dynamics and needs, boosting relevance and the strength of your asking rights.

The Roadmap’s Secret and Outcomes

95% of raising transformative financial support has nothing to do with asking for money. While underdeveloped organizations remain stuck in transactional fundraising models, relevant organizations thrive with stronger asking rights. In sharp contrast to other approaches, the roadmap delivers:

Better Asking Rights, Not Just "a Better Way to Ask"
100% Custom and Prescriptive Techniques, Not "Canned Plans"
Unique Perceptions and Insights, Not “Groupthink”
Performance-Driven Strategies, Not “Set and Forget”

Process at a Glance

Community & Organization Assessments

Evaluate your revenue model, volunteer engagement, programming, and community perception while elevating and supporting your leadership.

Identify Priorities and Opportunities

Pinpoint immediate operational improvements and long-term opportunities relative to community priorities so you can lead forward-thinking plans and visions.

Chart Your Custom Path

Develop actionable strategies and tactics specific to your unique organizational and community culture and capacity.

Ready to Elevate Your Organization?

Your organization can become the cornerstone of your community's economic future. Every Roadmap follows a proven process, but also produces a wholly custom and expertly crafted course of action unique to your organizational, social, economic, and governmental ecosystem.

Contact us today for a free consultation to learn more about how this user-friendly, accelerated process can elevate your organization's impact and fundraising potential.

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